Friday, March 28, 2008

Purify Your Body With Natural Body Detox

Purify Your Body With Natural Body Detox
by: John Khu

Like every thing else the human body needs to be cleansed inside out every now and then, otherwise the accumulation of harmful, or in some cases even poisonous elements, may cause serious diseases, mental and physical fatigue, pains in various parts of your body, and an overall degeneration. So if you are trying to retrieve that lost spark, if you want to regain that zest for life, natural detoxification is the way to go. Get rid of those terrible toxins by natural body detox methods.

Detox methods clean the blood in your liver, through the kidneys, lungs, skin and intestine. And natural body detox methods are the cheapest and safest way of cleaning your body thoroughly.

Obviously, as a preparatory measure, prior to the beginning of your natural body detox, you have to bar further toxins from entering your body. Products which we consume regularly, such as, coffee, nicotine, refined sugar, alcohol, saturated fats, all contain toxins. So stop indulging yourself before you start natural detoxing. Other products of day to day use such as shampoo, toothpaste, soap, floor cleaners etc all contain toxins, so for the time being check the use of all that stuff.

Having stopped effectively the entry of more toxins, you can begin with the actual natural body detox process. Here are some of the ways in which you can have a natural body detoxification:

Natural Body Detox Method #1:Juice Fasting: this method requires you to drink only glasses of juice for up to three days. The juices of fresh fruits and vegetables of all kinds except citrus fruits like oranges and lemon. However, before continuing this method of natural body detox for more than three days you should always consult a doctor or a qualified nutritionist.

Natural Body Detox Method #2: Water Fasting: water fasting is perhaps the most effective way of natural body detox. For a day or two, you are supposed to live on a diet of water only. What happens is that the water flushes the toxins out of your system, but keep in mind that before extending this for more than two days consult a doctor or a health specialist. Like juice fasting water fasting too should be done while you are at home, in order to cope with the discomforts like headache etc while the toxins are being flushed out.

Natural Body Detox Method #3: A Healthy Diet: Good eating habits are not only a measure of natural body detoxification, but a healthy diet is something you should follow all year round for general benefits. Fresh fruits, vegetables, seeds, raw nuts keep your system healthy and cleanses it too.

Natural Body Detox Method #4: Saunas: a sauna or a steam bath cleanses the dirt out of your body pores, so it not only detoxifies through your skin but also does away with the toxins deposited in the fat cells. Saunas are therefore a must in natural body detoxing.

Natural Body Detox Method #5:Skin Brushing: another method that enables you to detoxify your body through your skin, instead of your internal organs is skin brushing. Take a dry skin brush, and in gentle circular motions brush your skin, starting from your feet. This gets rid of the dead calls of your skin and cleans it.

Before getting started zero in upon the method(s) that suit you best and follow it. Natural body detox is something we all need, but get to know about the various methods and before undertaking a rigorous routine always consult an expert.

About The Author
John Khu is a health enthusiast and author of a new eBook titled "Body Detox Tips". He is devoted to educate others on the benefit of body detoxification. He is also the owner of the website called which provides complete and up-to-date information.

Five Key Elements for a Healthy Body

Five Key Elements for a Healthy Body
by: Marie Watson

With so many different obstacles in our way today it’s essential to do the things that are necessary to keep our bodies in top condition. Between diseases and pollution in our air and water, we must stay tuned into the needs of our bodies in order to assure a long and healthy life. Making the right choices in these areas will allow us to remain happy and productive many years past retirement.

1. Get plenty of sleep

Being well-rested is one of the most important elements in maintaining a healthy body. Sleep deprivation whether purposely or the result of insomnia can cause your body to become tired, fatigued, and run down. This lends its way to an invasion of many infections because of a compromised immune system. Sleep is the body’s best defence, so you need to make sure you obtain what your body needs. Each person requires on average between six and eight hours of sleep nightly, although some may function on as little as five hours while others need up to ten hours.

2. Exercise regularly

Besides having the ability to boost the metabolism, exercise also helps the body sleep most restfully. Whether you do a complete workout or just take a walk several times during the day, you will feel much better by participating in some kind of exercise. That doesn’t mean you have to do something boring—you can swim, bicycle, play tennis, ski, water ski, or do any other type of activity that you enjoy. The important thing is to make sure you do it regularly.

3. Eat healthy foods

In order to maintain a body that is healthy and active all of your life, you need to learn how to eat foods that are good for you. Certainly that high fat, high calorie burger from the local fast food place tastes good, but it is not good for you. You need to develop the habit of eating lean protein, steamed or raw vegetables, fresh fruits, and carbohydrates containing a low glycemic index such as whole grain cereals, brown rice, and wheat bread and pasta. That doesn’t mean you have to give up sweet desserts and snacks for good, but you need to learn to eat them in moderation.

4. Maintain a normal weight

Having excess weight puts a strain on both the heart and the back. In order to assure that you can stay active and do the things you enjoy, you need to make sure your weight is within normal range. If you are overweight but think you are still healthy, you need to review the things you are able to do compared to some of the things you used to be able to do. Certainly you are older which causes some difference, but your weight definitely has a detrimental effect on the level of activities in which you are able to participate.

5. Make sure you have an adequate supply of essential nutrients

No matter how many healthy foods we eat, it is likely we are not getting all of the nutrients we need. This is especially true of the Omega-3 Fatty Acids that help us maintain the health of our hearts. Although this nutrient is found in fish, few of us can eat enough fish to compensate, so we need to supplement this deficiency with fish oil supplements. The same holds true of many other nutrients such as Calcium, Iron, Folic Acid, and the B vitamins just to name a few.

A healthy lifestyle will help us keep our bodies healthy into our golden years, and following these tips will certainly help you in that process. You don’t need to give up your favourite foods to be healthy, but you do need to make sure you eat unhealthy foods in moderation. You also want to make sure to get enough sleep, exercise regularly, and supplement your diet with important vitamins and minerals.

About The Author
Marie Watson writes weight loss, diet plan, health, beauty and general well-being articles for the Slim Eazy website at

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

7 topics to avoid if you don't want to risk being a bore

7 topics to avoid if you don't want to risk being a bore.

I hesitate to disagree with the immortal La Rochefoucauld, but I think he was wrong when he wrote, "We are always bored by those whom we bore.”

Not always (though I often remind myself of this observation when I'm feeling bored by someone else). I think that sometimes we find a topic so interesting that it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that it might not be interesting to someone else. And most of us want to make a good impression and avoid boring other people.

Unless you get a truly enthusiastic response from your interlocutor—which is possible—be very wary of recounting…

1. A dream.
2. The recent changes in your child’s nap schedule.
3. The route you took to get here.
4. An excellent meal you once had at a restaurant.
5. The latest additions to your wine cellar.
6. An account your last golf game.
7. The plot of a movie, play, or movie—in particular, the funny parts.

9 tips for giving yourself an energy boost in the next 10 MINUTES.

9 tips for giving yourself an energy boost in the next 10 MINUTES.

It’s hard to feel happy when you’re dragging around. Simple tasks seem overwhelming, people seem annoying, and nothing seems fun.

Lots of good results flow from having plenty of energy. Life just seems more manageable. Also, studies show, you’re more likely to feel good about yourself, and, Bob Sutton points out in his terrific book, The No A*****le Rule, being considered an “energizer” makes you far more likely to win a positive work evaluation.

For long-term energy, it’s most important to A) get enough sleep and B) exercise regularly. But that doesn’t help you if you need some energy RIGHT NOW. If you’re desperate for an immediate boost, try these tips:

1. Go outside into the sunlight; light deprivation is one reason that people feel tired. Research suggests that light stimulates brain chemicals that improve mood. For an extra boost, get your sunlight first thing in the morning. And while you’re outside…

2. Go for a brisk walk. One study found that even a ten-minute walk was enough to supply a feeling of energy and decreased tension.

3. Act with energy. We think we ACT because of the way we FEEL, but often we FEEL because of the way we ACT. Trick yourself into feeling energetic by moving more quickly, pacing while you talk on the phone, and putting more energy into your voice. Also, research shows that when people move faster, their metabolism speeds up.

4. Listen to your favorite upbeat song. Hearing stimulating music gives an instant lift. I’m always surprised by the effectiveness of this strategy.

5. Talk to an energetic friend. Not only do we gain energy from interacting with other people, we also – in what’s called “emotional contagion” -- “catch” their emotions. Instead of infecting others with your draggy mood, try to lift yourself by catching the energy of a boisterous friend.

6. Tackle an item on your to-do list. Unfinished tasks weigh us down. So if you feel bad about never having had a skin-cancer check, or not having completed an over-due report, or not having faced this month’s bills, force yourself to tackle one thing that’s nagging you. It’s tough, but you will feel a HUGE rush of energy when you cross it off your list.

7. Clean up. I’m not sure why tidying makes such a huge difference, but when I feel like I can’t face the day, I just tidy up my desk, and I perk right up.

8. Drink some COFFEE! Coffee gets a bad rap, but fact is, it really does boost alertness, energy, and ability to focus. (Plus it’s a great source of antioxidants and – surprise! – contains a high level of soluble dietary fiber.)

9. Note of caution: people often try to use food to boost their low energy, but these other strategies are more effective and more healthful.

8 tips for how to behave yourself

8 tips for how to behave yourself -

Studying happiness has shown me that there are very few new truths out there.

It’s like dieting. New diet books hit the shelves every day, but we know that the real secret to staying slim is to eat better (mostly plants), eat less, and exercise more.

Likewise, the keys to leading a happy life have been around for a long time. I get a big kick out of uncovering “tips lists” from the past -- Sydney Smith's tips for cheering yourself up from 1820, Francis Bacon's tips for how to be happy from 1625, Lord Chesterfield’s tips for pleasing in society from 1774.

In De Civilitate, Erasmus gave eight tips about how to behave yourself around other people. He wrote this list around 1500 A.D., and his advice has a long shelf life.

According to Erasmus, you should not…
1. gossip
2. tell unkind stories
3. boast
4. indulge in self-display
5. seek to defeat others in argument
6. interrupt people when they tell a story
7. be too inquisitive

You should…
8. be discreet about your own thoughts and actions

9 tips for lifting yourself out of the holiday blues.

9 tips for lifting yourself out of the holiday blues.

Here are nine tips for keeping yourself feeling happy during the holiday period.

1. Get enough sleep. Turns out that, although it seems like a minor life issue, not getting enough sleep is a major disturber of people’s moods. Jet lag, traveling, parties, and over-excited children all make it hard to get your usual number of hours. Making an effort to get to bed at a decent hour really pays off.

2. Exercise. Studies show that one of the quickest and surest ways to boost your mood is to exercise. If you’re away from home and can’t do your usual routine, even a short walk will help. Even better…

3. Go outside to exercise. Or at least go outside. Light deprivation is one reason that people feel tired. Research suggests that light stimulates brain chemicals that improve mood and focus. For an extra boost, get your sunlight first thing in the morning

4. Stay in control of your eating. It seems to me that guilt about holiday binging is a major source of the blues. For that reason, I’m CONSIDERING resolving not to eat any sweets during the Christmas holiday. It’s usually easier for me to abstain than to be temperate. It seems Scrooge-ish not to have gingerbread cookies or bites of a Winstead’s Frosty, but I think I would be happier if I weren’t worrying about it.

5. Don’t rush around. Hurrying to pack, rushing through stores, sprinting to make a flight – these are sure to put you in a bad mood. Give yourself plenty of time. Do a few errands or buy a few presents each day, starting now. I get out a suitcase a week before we leave for Kansas City, and I toss items in as soon as I think of them.

6. Learn from the past. What has made you unhappy in years of old? Think back. Avoid your triggers. Stay out of the kitchen, stay out of the mall, stay away from Uncle Billy – sometimes there’s a weird triumphant satisfaction in getting worked up, yet again, by a particular situation. Don’t do it! Don’t expose yourself to known happiness risks.

7. Make time for real fun. Sometimes holiday vacations, which are supposed to be “fun,” are actually just a huge hassle. Figure out ways to have fun. In my family, we decided to reduce gift-giving. All the adults “draw” for each other’s names, and we each buy stocking presents for just one other person. Also, include time for things YOU like to do: going to a movie, taking a nap while everyone else goes skating, going to the gym. I plan to spend a lot of time drinking coffee with my sister.

8. Behave yourself! If you sulk, snap, tease, or shirk, you’re not going to feel happy. It may feel good, but only for a moment. Then you’re going to feel bad. Instead, try to help out, bite your tongue, clean up, or run to the store. Look for opportunities to say, “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it,” or “This is fine,” or “What should I be doing?” Do good, feel good—this really works! The way we feel reflect the way we act, so if you act in an affectionate way, you’ll feel more affectionate.

9. Fill your heart with love. Remember the Twelfth Commandment (see left column): “There is only love.” If you’re heading into a difficult situation, take a moment to fill your heart with love. Think of all the reasons that you’re grateful to your family, and the happy memories you’ve shared, and how things might look from other people's perspectives. This can be very hard to do, but it will make you happier. And if you’re happy, you’re going to be better able to make other people happy. That is the mystery of the Second Splendid Truth.

12 tips to avoid seeming like an arrogant, know-it-all jerk.

I’ve been doing thinking a lot about the qualities of pride and humility.

A lot of people go through the motions of being humble, but you really have to mean it. A few months ago, I sat next to a guy I didn’t know, and when I asked him what he did for a living, he said jokingly, “It’s too boring, let’s not talk about it.” But he didn’t offer up any other topics for conversation, but just waited for me to ask him leading questions. He probably thought he was being winningly self-deprecating, but instead, he was making me do all the conversational work. (Of course, it was my pride that made me annoyed by this.)

Humility is having consideration for others, appreciation for their views, curiosity about their lives, openness to correction and education by them, willingness to be interested and amused, a sense of deference, respect, and fellowship.

Here are some tips for showing humility:

1. Offer meaningful compliments: “You have a good memory,” “You obviously know a lot about this subject.” Empty, automatic compliments like “Great tie!” don’t count.

2. Give credit to others: “The team did all the work,” “Pat came up with this idea.” It’s pointless to begrudge others their due, because being generous with giving credit does NOT minimize your own contribution.

3. Ask questions and allow others to supply information. I’ve even seen some good leaders ask questions to which they knew the answers, merely to allow others the chance to demonstrate what they know. This is a challenge for me. I am a real know-it-all. It’s hard for me to ask for help, to say, “I don’t know” or keep quiet while others respond.

4. Admit error! It’s SO HARD to say “You were right, I was wrong” or “This was my fault,” but so important. Also, it’s a key to leadership. As my father once told me, “If you’ll take responsibility for failure, you’ll be given responsibility for decisions.”

5. Remember other people’s names and the details of their lives. How many times have you heard people complain that “So-and-so has met me five times, but never remembers me”? It hurts people’s feelings. Unfortunately, I have a terrible time with names, so I developed some coping strategies for dealing with that.

6. Call on others for their specific contributions: “Pat is our expert on that,” “Lee, what do you think?”

7. Laugh at yourself. Few things are as winning as people who are willing to poke fun at their own foibles. This doesn’t mean saying, “I’m so clueless” and waiting for everyone to cry, “Oh, no, you’re great!” It means honestly laughing at your idiosyncrasies and mistakes.

8. Refuse to take offense. Part of humility is not taking yourself too seriously and not getting your back up. Pride takes offense at an undermining comment, humility shrugs it off.

9. Teasing. One way of showing fellow feeling is teasing people – gently. People liked to be joshed, but not about anything sensitive.

10. Remember your limits. You’re just one person. You’re not infallible. It actually IS possible that you’re wrong.

11. Don’t be a bore. It’s pride to assume that others are as interested in the minutiae of your life as you are.

12. Be courteous to others, no matter who they are. William Lyon Phelps wrote, "The final test of a gentleman is his respect for those who can be of no possible service to him."